Manoj Suthar, a student from Vivekanand Public Sr. Sec School, Jakharanwali, has emerged as a shining example of dedication and success by achieving an exceptional score of 90.20% in his RBSE Class 12th exams. His remarkable journey is not only a testament to his academic prowess but also highlights the importance of discipline, hard work, and perseverance in overcoming obstacles.
Early Life and Struggles:
Humble Beginnings and Supportive Family:
Manoj was born and raised in Jakharanwali, Pilibangan, into a family of farmers. Despite financial struggles, his parents, Lalchand and his mother, a homemaker, recognized the value of education and encouraged Manoj to pursue his dreams. Their unwavering support became a driving force behind his determination.
A Student with Promise: Right from his early years, Manoj showcased exceptional qualities such as discipline, wisdom, and a natural aptitude for problem-solving. He excelled in subjects like Mathematics, Science, and Physics, impressing both teachers and peers. Furthermore, his commendable English skills helped him secure good grades in the language paper.
Discipline and Hard Work Pays Off:
A Steadfast Commitment:
Manoj’s outstanding performance in the RBSE Class 12th exams is a testament to his unwavering discipline and hard work. He adhered to a strict study routine and attended school diligently without missing a single day. Additionally, he availed himself of extra classes to clarify his doubts and gain a deeper understanding of complex topics.
The Fruit of Perseverance:
Manoj’s dedication bore fruit when he received his results, securing an impressive score of 90.20%. His exceptional achievement not only filled his family and school with pride but also served as an inspiration for numerous students in the village, motivating them to strive for excellence.
Support from Family and Teachers:
The Pillars of Strength:
Manoj acknowledges the unwavering support he received from his family and teachers throughout his academic journey. His parents instilled in him the importance of hard work and encouraged him to pursue his dreams. His teachers, on the other hand, provided him with invaluable guidance and motivation to excel academically.
The Role of Vivekanand Public Sr. Sec School, Jakharanwali:
Vivekanand Public Sr. Sec School, established in 1984, holds a significant place in Manoj’s educational journey. Serving as the only school in the village offering three streams – Arts, Science, and Agriculture – it has been instrumental in providing quality education to over 1300 students in the region for several years.
Manoj Suthar’s journey is a shining example of how hard work, discipline, and perseverance can enable one to overcome challenges and achieve their goals. His exceptional performance not only brought pride to his family and school but also inspired countless students in his village to strive for excellence. We extend our heartfelt congratulations to Manoj for his outstanding achievement in the RBSE Class 12th exams and wish him immense success in all his future endeavors.